Recycle Right
How do I dispose of an item?
The handy A-Z Directory helps provide answers to your questions about how to recycle, reuse and properly dispose of hundreds of items.

Use the RecycleRight tool below or download the free RecycleRight app to:
- View your collection schedule
- Sign up for reminders and service alerts in case of schedule changes
- Look up donation, recycling and disposal options
- Request a bulky item pickup
Download the RecycleRight app! Alerts in Español, Русский and Tiếng Việt are also available. Email the Solid Waste team at for assistance.
Enter the name of the item you no longer need and hit the Search. You’ll get answers to options for reusing and recycling, including locations and contact information. If the item needs special handling, such as a household hazardous waste, Recycling A-Z will tell you how to properly dispose of it, keeping you and the environment safe.
If you are a business or organization that accepts materials for reuse or recycling and would like to be included in the Recycling Look Up database, contact us.
More recycling help
To learn more tips and information, visit the Waste Connections website to view the Recycling Refresher Newsletter. If you have other questions or need assistance from Vancouver Solid Waste Services, please contact us at or 360-487-7160.
Recycling FAQs
Answers to many of your questions about how to use your recycling cart
Q: What can I recycle in my cart?
A: A lot of things can go in your cart:
- Paper: newspapers magazines and catalogs, mail and office paper, paper bags, rinsed milk and juice cartons, and cardboard, including cereal and shoe boxes.
- Metal: Clean metal cans and lids; clean foil pie plates and trays, empty aerosol cans and other small metal items.
- Plastics: Clean plastic bottles, yogurt, margarine and other clean tubs, and five-gallon or less nursery pots and buckets.
Q: What plastics can’t I put in my cart?
A: Any plastic that is not a bottle, tub, jar or bucket. The following are examples of plastic materials that can’t be placed in your recycling cart: No Styrofoam; no plastic take-out containers from restaurants; no grocery produce “clamshells” such as used for cherry tomato or berry containers; and no plastic bags. Plastic bags are especially hard on recycling systems, getting wrapped around the shafts of sorting equipment and jamming machinery. Loose lids from plastic containers aren’t recoverable through the sorting system and should not go in the cart. If a cap from a bottle screws on, it can stay on, though the bottle can be recycled with a cap or not. If a lid might pop off (like on a cottage cheese tub), it should stay off and go in the garbage cart.
Q: Where does glass go?
A: Use a separate container or bin for recycling your glass bottles and jars; attach a “glass only” label. Broken glass and paper shouldn’t mix because shards and other pieces of broken glass can cause major problems at facilities where materials are sorted and at mills where paper is recycled. Simply place the glass bin next to the recycling cart for collection on your regularly scheduled collection day. You will only need to set it out when it is full. Your efforts to keep glass separate will help maintain the quality of recyclables collected at the curb, providing high quality materials for end-users, and keeping them out of the landfill.
Q: Where can I recycle plastics that don’t go in the recycling cart?
A: Many grocery stores accept clean plastic bags for recycling if you don’t have an opportunity to reuse them at home. Or better yet, consider using reusable bags for shopping to reduce the number of plastic bags you receive. Check the RecycleRight tool above to find recycling options for plastics not accepted at a transfer station.
Q: Where do I put my batteries, antifreeze and motor oil for curbside recycling?
A: Put used motor oil or antifreeze in separate one-gallon, clear plastic jugs with a screw cap and place them next to your glass bin or recycle cart on your recycling collection day. Clearly label jugs as oil or antifreeze. Do not mix liquids. To recycle household batteries, including AA, AAA, C, D, Lithium “Button Cell” (not Lithium-ion), Mercury and Ni-Cad, put them in a clear, resealable plastic bag and place them on the lid of your recycle cart.
Q: When should I set out my recycling for collection?
A: Following your every-other-week schedule, have your recycling cart and glass bin, along with any batteries, antifreeze or motor oil, at the curb by 6 a.m. on the collection day.
Q: Why do I have to have space between my garbage cart and recycling cart?
A: The trucks that service the carts, including yard debris carts for those who subscribe to this service, have automated arms that wrap around the sides of the carts. Your carts must be three feet apart from each other and five feet from cars and other objects or they will not be emptied. If the drivers attempt to empty the carts when they are too close, they can knock over the carts or potentially damage property near the carts.
Q: How does the driver know if there is recycling or garbage in the cart?
A: Recycling trucks have video cameras to monitor your recycling cart for garbage and glass. When the materials are dropped off at the transfer station they will be able to visually inspect for items that are not accepted in the program. Please follow the instructions on the poster that comes with your new recycling cart.
Q: Where do I take material that you do not accept curbside?
A: Visit the Residential garbage, recycling and organics services webpage for listings of where to take hundreds of other items such as sports equipment, hazardous waste, electronic devices and more. Many items may also be taken to the transfer stations. Be sure to call before if you have questions before you go.
Q: What can I do about scavenging of my carts?
A: Scavenging of recyclables or waste is against the law in Vancouver according to VCM 6.12.216. If you see someone taking recyclables, please call 311 and report it as a “theft of recyclables.” Providing details can be helpful. For example, if the person is using a vehicle, write down the license plate number and a description of the vehicle that you can then provide in your report. Always exercise caution and consider your personal safety. Do not confront the individual/s. If the suspects have come and gone, Vancouver residents may call 311 any time of day or 360-487-7355 during regular business hours to file a report with a police technician. The information provided will be kept with other records to monitor trends and inform future patrols.
Use these tips to discourage scavenging or interest in your carts:
- Set recyclables out the morning of collection, between 6-6:30 a.m., Carts need to be in place and ready for pickup by 6:30 a.m. Leaving them out all night makes them easier and more attractive targets.
- Always shred or tear scrap paper that has personal financial information such as credit card account numbers or social security numbers. Please do not put shredded paper in your recycling cart.
Transfer station information
- West Van Materials Recovery Center: 360-737-1727; Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 6601 N.W. Old Lower River Road, Vancouver, WA 98660
- Central Transfer and Recycling Center: 360-256-8482; Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 11034 N.E. 117th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98662
- Washougal Transfer Station: 360-835-2500; Wednesday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 4020 South Grant St., Washougal, WA 98671