By the numbers
Population and people
- 199,600 residents1
- Median age: 36.8
- 21% under age 18
- 17% 65 or older
- 50.2% female
- 49.8% male
- 14.7% identify as having a disability
- 7.7% are veterans
- 31% of high schoolers (Vancouver & Evergreen) identify as LGBTQ+2
Income and education
- Median household income: $76,799
- 49% of residents rent their home
- 51% of residents own their home
- 61% employment rate
- 91.1% have a high school diploma
- 31.2% hold a bachelor’s degree or higher
- 10% currently live below the federal poverty level
Language, race and ethnicity
- 22% speak a language other than English in the home3
- Asian and Pacific Island: 3.6%
- Other: 0.7%
- Other Indo-European: 6.3%
- Spanish: 11.5%
- 13.8% of residents were not born in the United States
Total population race & ethnicity breakdown
- 5.5% Asian
- 3.8% Black or African American
- 17.6% Hispanic, Latino/a/e and Non-White
- 0.3% Native American
- 0.9% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
- 0.6% Other
- 6.6% Two or more races
- 64.6% White
K-12 student race & ethnicity breakdown2
- Asian: 4.65%
- Black or African American: 3.15%
- Hispanic, Latino/a/e and Non-White: 27.45%
- Native American: 0.45%
- Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 2.7%
- Two or more races: 8.9%
- White: 52.6%
U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, 2022 1-year estimates
1Washington Office of Financial Management Official Population Estimates
32022 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates: Language spoken at home
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