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City to award up to $9.5 million in Affordable Housing Fund grants in 2024

January 29, 2024

Up to $9.5 million in Affordable Housing Fund (AHF) dollars are currently available to developers, nonprofits and other housing providers for projects that provide housing for low-income households in Vancouver.

“Thanks to Vancouver voters’ passage of Proposition 3 last year, we’re looking forward to building on the momentum of this program’s past success and expanding its impact to help even more households over the next decade,” said Sam Whitley, Housing Programs Manager. “We’re looking for creative projects that create the permanently affordable housing solutions Vancouver urgently needs.”

Grants awarded by the City of Vancouver’s AHF will support the acquisition, creation and/or preservation of affordable homes to increase housing choice and opportunity for households earning 50 percent or less of the Area Median Income (AMI). The current AMI for a family of four is $56,400.

For more information and application guidelines, visit Applications are due by 5 p.m. March 1 and grant awards will be announced in April.

The AHF supports people experiencing very low-income in Vancouver through affordable housing development, rental assistance, home ownership assistance and homelessness services. In 2016, voters approved a $42 million property tax levy to support AHF projects through 2023. Over the life of that levy, the AHF distributed $42 million to create or preserve 1,048 affordable homes and assist 1,144 households experiencing or at risk of homelessness. In 2023, a replacement affordable housing fund levy, Proposition 3, was approved by voters and will sustain the AHF at increased levels for the next decade. This renewed levy is projected to provide rent assistance and housing services to 2,500 households, preserve or construct 2,400 affordable homes, support 550 shelter beds and help 150 households with home ownership.

To request the application guidelines in another format or language, please get in touch with Samantha Whitley at 360-487-7952, TTY: 360-487-8602, WA Relay: 711 or by email at

Media Contacts:

Samantha Whitley, Housing Programs Manager, 360-487-7952,

Hayley Woodbridge, Associate Housing Project Coordinator, 360-487-7867,