Proposition 4 Referred to November Ballot

On July 15, the Vancouver City Council unanimously approved a resolution to place Proposition 4, a levy to fund police services, on the Nov. 5 General Election ballot.

If approved by the voters, Proposition 4 would fund police and supporting services (staffing, equipment, technology, facilities, and related criminal justice costs).

“Public safety has consistently been a top issue for the community,” said Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle. “This measure refers the first of a series of police services funding measures to meet the growing and changing demand for public safety services in Vancouver.”

What is the need for increased police services in Vancouver?

Community growth has contributed to a 30% increase in call volume for police services and an 87% increase in reported crimes since 2018. In addition to increased call volume, the complexity of the calls to which VPD is responding more frequently requires multiple officers on scene for extended periods of time, consequently leaving portions of the community under-resourced for some part of each day.

A growth in demand for police services has strained departmental investigative capacity, resulting in nearly 3,100 cases with viable leads going uninvestigated each year.

What will the Proposition 4 levy pay for?

If approved by the voters, Proposition 4 would fund increased staff and supportive services, including:

What led to the creation/drafting of Proposition 4?

A Police Community Advisory Committee was assembled in January to advise the City Manager on issues relating to police services in Vancouver. The committee includes 13 community members and three members of the City Council. Members met six times over three months in intensive meetings to help identify community safety needs, gaps in services, and ways to improve policing and public safety in Vancouver. The committee’s recommendations were presented to City Council in July.

How much will the Proposition 4 levy cost?

The City’s 2024 general fund property tax levy is approximately $2.0897 per $1,000 of assessed value. The Proposition 4 levy lid lift would increase this levy by approximately $0.41/$1,000 of assessed value for 2025. The levy lid lift would be permanent and would authorize a 5% annual increase of the levy for six years. The estimated annual impact on the owner of a $500,000 home would be an additional $205 in property tax in the first year and $585 in 2030.