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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Employee Training

Welcome to Vancouver Parks Recreation and Cultural Service’s on-line training for temporary employees.

Staff are now able to complete some required training on your personal computer or mobile device.

There are several trainings to choose from. Your supervisor should have provided direction on which trainings are applicable to your position.

Below are the trainings available, with completion time. You will be compensated for the time spent completing the training. Training acknowledgement must be submitted immediately after training.

Once you have completed your required trainings, complete the form below. You will need to enter the total hours of work time in Workday coded to my primary work assignment for completing the trainings with the note in comments “online training”. Time entry may not exceed 2 hours, see completion time on each training..

Thank you for completing your training and if you have any questions, please contact your supervisor.

Employee Required Trainings


Training Completed

Enter the date you completed each of your required training items. You can tap or click the calendar icon to pick the date from a pop-up calendar.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Yes, I confirm that I have watched the required training video(s) I am submitting completion information for and that I have watched it/them in its/their entirety. I agree to abide by safety and other protocols and/or the applicable City policies addressed in the video(s). I further understand and agree that if I do not understand or have questions regarding any part of the video(s), I will contact my supervisor, a Human Resources representative or the City Attorney’s Office to seek clarification. I also understand I can request from my supervisor any City policy related to the video(s).