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Types of Environmental Actions

The following are links to code for development regulations and review processes.




  • Is the property located within the City limits? Property Information Lookup
  • Use the Vancouver Zoning Code to determine the development standards for the properties zone
  • The environmental tab within Property Information Lookup will allow you to determine if your property is located within an environmental critical area


Applications and fees

Pre-Application Conference

What is a Pre-application Conference?

The pre-application conference is intended to provide the applicant with the applicable requirements of the Vancouver Municipal Code and other laws and to identify issues and concerns in advance of a formal application to save the applicant time and expense through the process. At the conference, City staff discusses a set of detailed written comments with the applicant regarding applicable standards and any potential issues that have been identified.

Is a Pre-application required? 

A Type I application does not require a pre-application conference.  

A pre-application is required for Type II, Type III, and applicant-initiated Type IV applications, unless waived by the Planning Official.

Next steps

Contact Land Use Planning