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Historic Preservation

Development projects involving designated sites and facilities involve a coordinated process with the city Planning Department and the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission

Please contact the planning department to work with a case manager and refer to the section on Design Review in the Historic Preservation Commission – Rules and Procedures and the application form for Certificate of Appropriateness.


Historic buildings and properties are the cornerstone of the city of Vancouver’s heritage and culture. They are the legacy of the spirited settlers and residents who shaped the land and the history of the region. Older buildings showcase unique architectural styles and technical innovations. They are the symbol of the pioneers’ creativity and ingenuity. Today, preservation of these historic structures is also an integral part of the city’s future.

Preservation efforts can rejuvenate commercial districts, enhance livability, and inspire others to save the significant sites in their neighborhoods and towns. Well-preserved buildings are also a source of community pride. The city’s Historic Preservation ordinance provides for the identification, evaluation and protection of cultural and historic resources in the city of Vancouver and encourages the preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of these resources for future generations. VMC 17.39 of the city’s Municipal Code applies to properties within the city of Vancouver listed or eligible to be listed on any historic or cultural resource inventory for Clark County as well as properties within the city of Vancouver listed or eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Washington State Heritage Register, Clark County heritage register or other local register for Clark County.

The city, in conjunction with Clark County, utilizes the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) as the primary resource on historic preservation. The HPC initiates and maintains the Clark County Historic Register and reviews proposed design changes to registered properties. Visit the Historic Preservation Commission online for more information on local historic properties, the nomination process, tax incentives, as well as information on their meeting dates and agendas.