Pre-Application Conferences
Often, the first step in a land use application is attending a pre-application conference, which is typically required for all Type II, Type III and applicant-initiated Type IV applications. Pre-application conferences can be done for Type I procedures as well but are voluntary.
Virtual Pre-Application conferences
All pre-application conferences are held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Pre-application reports will be available on the City’s ePlans system the day the pre-application is or would be scheduled to be held.
All interested parties are encouraged contact the case manager listed on the emailed project notice or on the pre-application agenda. To leave a comment or follow up with questions, please contact a planner at or the planner voicemail box at 360-487-7803.
Purpose and process
The pre-application conference review is intended to acquaint City and other agency staff with a sufficient level of detail about the proposed development to enable staff to advise the applicant of applicable review procedures, standards and fees. At the conference, City staff discuss a set of detailed written comments with the applicant in regard to applicable standards and any potential issues that have been identified. Staff from planning review, building and fire plan review, water and sewer engineering, stormwater engineering, transportation engineering, and the parks department will review the application material submitted. When the project is located within a city-recognized neighborhood association, the chair of the association is invited to attend the meeting in order to collect information about the development and share it with the neighborhood and to identify areas of potential concern early in the review process.
Pre-Application waivers
Generally, the Planning Official may waive the pre-application conference only if it is determined that the proposal is relatively simple (e.g. has few, if any, development related issues). Pre-application conferences shall not be waived for infill development, pursuant to Chapter 20.920 VMC.
Frequently asked questions
When is a pre-application conference required?
A pre-application conference is required for all type II, Type III and applicant-initiated Type IV applications, unless waived by the Planning Official. Generally, the Planning Official may waive the pre-application conference only if it is determined that the proposal is relatively simple (e.g. has few, if any, development related issues). Pre-application conferences shall not be waived for infill development, pursuant to Chapter VMC 20.920.
What are the four types of development applications?
Type I
- Ministerial permits
- Decided by the Planning Official without public notice prior to the decision and without public hearing
Type II
- Quasi-judicial permits and actions that contain some discretionary criteria
- Decided by the Planning Official with public notice and an opportunity for public comment
Type III
- Quasi-judicial permits and actions that predominantly contain discretionary approval criteria
- Require a public hearing and are decided by the Hearing Examiner or Planning Commission, depending on the permit
Type IV
- Legislative matters, such as a planned unit developments and rezones
- Involve the creation, revision or large-scale implementation of public policy
- Considered initially by the Planning Commission or Hearing Examiner with final decision made by the City Council, automatically or on appeal
Why are pre-application conferences held?
- To acquaint City and other agency staff with a sufficient level of detail about the proposed development to enable staff to advise the applicant of applicable approvals and requirements.
- To acquaint the applicant with the applicable requirements of the Vancouver Municipal Code and other laws and to identify issues and concerns in advance of a formal application to save the applicant time and expense through the process. However, the conference is not intended to provide an exhaustive review of the potential issues. The pre-application conference does not prevent the City from applying all relevant laws to the application.
- To inform applicable City neighborhood associations of potential development activity within their neighborhoods.
Who will attend the pre-applicaiton conference?
The applicant or the applicant’s representative will meet virtually with the City staff responsible for planning, engineering, transportation, drainage, parks and other pertinent subjects. In addition, staffs of other recognized affected agencies are invited to attend.
When and where are the pre-application conferences held?
Pre-application conferences are held virtually on Thursdays. Every attempt is made to schedule the conference within three weeks of the request. The specific time will be set according to availability. Applicants are notified of their scheduled conference when they submit a completed Pre-application conference application.
What do you need to submit for the pre-application conference?
To request a pre-application conference, an applicant must submit the PIR Application, pay the required fee and upload required submittal items. The Planning Official may waive submittal requirements upon request if found to be inapplicable to the proposed development. All required information shall be submitted through ePlans.
What happens at the pre-application conference?
At the pre-application conference, staff will present the applicant with written summary of comments concerning the proposal. This report is available to download and view through ePlans. The written summary will include information and requirements that will apply to the proposal.
Do the pre-application conference comments expire?
Per VMC 20.210.080, pre-application comments expire on year from the date the conference is held. If a fully complete land use application has not be submitted within one year from the date of the pre-application conference, a new conference must be held or approval of a pre-application waiver granted before the land use application will be accepted.
Vesting of Regulations Defined in the Pre-application Report
Type I, Type II, and Type III applications (other than zone change proposals) shall be considered under the subdivision, zoning, and other land development codes in effect at the time a fully complete application is filed: PROVIDED, an application which is subject to pre-application review shall contingently vest on the date a pre-application is filed, which contingent vesting shall become final if a fully complete application for substantially the same proposal is filed within one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the issuance of the pre-application report.
When can a land use application be submitted?
Once an applicant has received comments from the pre-application conference or an approved pre-application conference waiver, a form land use application may be submitted.