Types of Land Divisions
The following are links to code for development regulations and review processes.
Ch. 20.320 Subdivisions | Vancouver Municipal Code
Type I
- Type I Development Review Process Flowchart
- Boundary line adjustment – not creating additional lot(s)
Type II
- Type II Development Review Process Flowchart
- Short subdivision (9 or fewer lots)
- Binding site plan
Type III
- Type III Development Review Process Flowchart
- Subdivision (10 or more lots)
- Is the property located within the City limits? Property Information Lookup
- Use the Vancouver Zoning Code to determine the development standards for the properties zone
- The environmental tab within Property Information Lookup will allow you to determine if your property is located within an environmental critical area
Applications and fees
Pre-Application Conference
What is a Pre-application Conference?
The pre-application conference is intended to provide the applicant with the applicable requirements of the Vancouver Municipal Code and other laws and to identify issues and concerns in advance of a formal application to save the applicant time and expense through the process. At the conference, City staff discusses a set of detailed written comments with the applicant regarding applicable standards and any potential issues that have been identified.
Is a Pre-application required?
A Type I application does not require a pre-application conference.
A pre-application is required for Type II, Type III, and applicant-initiated Type IV applications, unless waived by the Planning Official.
Submittal requirements
Prior to submitting your materials, make sure that all items within the applicable submittal checklist is provided and all application forms are signed.
Apply online
All applications are submitted online. Visit our Getting Started with ePlans page for more detailed instructions.
Step 1: Pre-Application Conference (Type II or higher)
If a pre-application is required, email your application to ePlans@cityofvancouver.us.
Step 2: Land Use Application
Email your completed land use application (do not send plans at this time) to ePlans@cityofvancouver.us.
Step 3: Review Process Starts
Once fees are paid and the plans/documents are uploaded and prescreen complete, the review process will begin.
Next steps
Step 1: Fully complete review
No later than twenty-one (21) (Type I) or twenty-eight (28) (Type II or higher) calendar days after receipt of the development application, the City shall notify the applicant as to the completeness of the application. An application shall not be deemed fully complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed activity, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Vancouver Municipal Code is provided to the satisfaction of the City.
Step 2: Notice of application (Type II or higher)
Within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date a Type II or higher application is accepted as fully complete, the City shall issue a Notice of Application.
Step 3: Comment period
The City shall allow fourteen (14) or (thirty days if Type III or IV) calendar days after the date of Notice of Application for individuals to submit comments.
Step 4: Land use decision – staff report issuance
Following the decision there is a 14-day appeal period for the project.
Once preliminary land use decision has been issued, it’s important to read through and understand any approval conditions within the decision.
Step 4A: Public hearing (only applicable to Type III projects or higher)
Hearing Examiner Public Hearing held
Hearing Examiner Final Order issued (within 14 days maximum of Public Hearing)
- Following the decision there is a 14-day appeal period for the project.
- Once preliminary land use decision has been issued, it’s important to read through and understand any approval conditions within the decision.
Step 5: Civil engineering (ENG) review
Work with your civil engineers on the next steps for the civil review.
For engineering permit application questions, contact citycddeng@cityofvancouver.us.
Step 6: Final Plat review
Submit a final plat application to cddplanning@cityofvancouver.us for review. The final plat will be reviewed against the approved as-builts on the ENG.
Building permits will not be issued on subdivisions until the final plat has recorded with Clark County.
Step 7: Building permit(s)
Please work with a permit specialist to submit the associated building permit(s).
For building permit application questions, contact eplans@cityofvancouver.us.