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Columbia Street Safety and Mobility Project

A part of the City’s Complete Streets Program, the Project was to develop a north-south bike and small mobility route west of I-5 for all ages and abilities connecting neighborhoods between the Burnt Bridge Creek Trail and the Vancouver Waterfront.

The Project involved improvements to bicycle, small mobility, and pedestrian facilities on Columbia Street between West Columbia Way and West 45th Street.

Design and Construction

The following safety and mobility upgrades were installed and included in the project:

This map shows the type and location of the safety and mobility elements added on Columbia Street.


All Complete Streets projects have an embedded post project data collection and evaluation to determine how the added safety and mobility elements function, and to recommend refinements and changes if needed. This is the final stage of a Complete Streets project after which the road is monitored for safety or other issues in the same manner as all city streets.

The evaluation is currently underway for the Columbia Street Mobility Project. The yearlong post-implementation evaluation collected post-implementation data to compare to pre-implementation. Data was collected at the one-month, 6-month and 12-month milestones. Analysis of this data will inform what, if any, refinements are recommended to further improve safety, mobility and accessibility on the corridor.
