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Homelessness is a humanitarian crisis with many causes. Those living on the street or in vehicles face tremendous challenges—from the loss of a job or home to mental health conditions or addiction.

Since declaring an emergency related to homelessness in 2023, the City has expanded our efforts to address this crisis and its impacts on both the housed and unhoused.

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Recent news

City closes Mill Plain sound wall encampment

March 5

On March 5, the City closed the encampment along the Mill Plain sound wall. Like all the City’s homelessness emergency response efforts, this closure prioritized compassionate outreach and connecting people living outside to services. We partnered with the Vancouver Housing Authority and the Council for the Homeless to quickly create additional space for up to 55 individuals living outside to access shelter. A $1M Affordable Housing Fund grant provided rental assistance to current Safe Stay residents to make it possible.

  • Thanks to this pilot housing program, 24 people have moved from the sound wall into supportive shelter at a City Safe Stay/Park
  • 35 people who did not enter shelter were offered safe storage of their belongings for up to 60 days
  • Vancouver Police Department made 15 arrests, 12 of those individuals received citations into Community Court and five were booked into jail for misdemeanor warrants, a Department of Corrections warrant, reckless burning and possession of controlled substances

The sound wall area is now closed to camping under the City’s emergency order and will be enforced.

Opioid Treatment Program launched with national opioid settlement funds

Feb. 24

The City has partnered with Columbia River Mental Health to launch a mobile opioid treatment program in 2025. This program provides daily addiction treatment and support for people experiencing homelessness, including services at the City’s future bridge shelter. The goal is to reduce overdoses and help people move toward stable housing.

Funding comes from settlements with opioid manufacturers and distributors, which are providing Washington state with more than $1.2 billion over 10 years to distribute to local governments for programs that address opioid addiction and its effects. Vancouver has received more than $2.5 million to date.

Track how we’re investing opioid settlement funding now and in the future on our Opioid Settlement Funds storymap.

City to close Mill Plain sound wall area to camping March 5

Feb. 20

Through a partnership with the Council for the Homeless and the Vancouver Housing Authority, we’re moving people who have stabilized in Safe Stay communities into housing, creating space for those living in camps to move into shelter. So far, 24 people previously living at the Mill Plain Sound Wall in west Vancouver have transitioned into one of our supportive Safe Stay/Park communities. Now that everyone at the camp has been offered a place to go, the encampment will officially close on March 5. After that, camping in the area will no longer be allowed and will be legally enforced.

In the news

Impacts and Outcomes

Year to date

Updated Dec. 10, 2024

  • 430 people served at a Safe Stay or Safe Park community
  • 125 people graduated into housing from a Safe Stay/Safe Park community
  • 165 HART/VPD referrals into Community Court
  • 48 cleanups at 13 unique locations
  • 400.31 tons of solid waste removed from public property
  • 2,872 calls for service to Vancouver Fire and EMS (tracking began Feb. 15, 2024)
  • 22% (5,675) of Vancouver Police Department patrol time was spent on homelessness between July and November 2024 (tracking system implemented July 2024)
  • 1,414 MyVancouverapp service requests from the community for encampment/sanitation concerns responded to
  • ~Three acres of publicly owned property closed to camping

January – Sept. 2024

This year, $6.9 million in Affordable Housing Funds were awarded to support:

  • 70 units of permanently affordable housing for households exiting homelessness
  • two rental assistance projects to prevent homelessness for 54 households
  • 38 temporary shelter beds
  • 14 transitional housing beds for people exiting incarceration

Ways to help

Safe Stay/Safe Park opportunities

Homeward Bound – Safe Park


Sign up to volunteer to support safe park

The Outpost: Safe Stay 1 


Meal train cooks and drop off facilitators for lunch (11 a.m.) and dinner (5:30 p.m.) 

Sign up for a meal train or donate to support meal service at The Outpost.

Hope Village: Safe Stay 2 


Help cook dinners (drop off at 6 p.m.)  

Sign up for a meal train or donate to support meal service at Hope Village.

415 West: Safe Stay 3 


Meal train cooks and drop off facilitators for lunch (11 a.m.) and dinner (5:30 p.m.) 

Sign up for a meal train or donate to support meal service at 415 West.

Kiggins Village: Safe Stay 4  


  • Coffee/creamer/sugar 
  • Breakfast bars  
  • Gently-used shoes 
  • Toilet paper 
  • Paper towels

Wish list item/volunteer project

Cosco gazebo/seating and help constructing.

To donate, contact: Dale Smith, 503-442-8914, or Lisa Horness, 971-634-0011, 

Southwest Washington Victory Food Project

To learn about volunteer opportunities at the Safe Stay 1 and 3 community gardens, follow on Instagram or email

Litter Stewards

Picking up litter in public spaces helps keep the Vancouver community safe and clean for all to enjoy. There has been a strong response from the community to help with litter removal throughout Vancouver and, in response, the City’s Litter Stewards program provides training and equipment for community members to help us with this complex need.

Homelessness response strategies