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City seeks volunteers to serve on Vancouver Public Facilities Board  

March 3, 2025

Bell Tower at Propstra Square in front of the Hilton Hotel and Convention Center in downtown Vancouver

The City of Vancouver is now seeking applicants to fill two openings on the Vancouver Public Facilities District Board of Directors. Applications are due by April 4.

The Vancouver Public Facilities District (VPFD) Board of Directors owns several parcels of land, including the land under the Hilton hotel and convention center in downtown Vancouver. The land is leased to the City’s Downtown Redevelopment Authority (DRA).  

The VPFD receives funding from the state sales tax credit program and transfers it to the DRA. The sales tax credit revenue funds a portion of the tax-supported bonds issued to fund the construction of the Hilton hotel and convention center. The VPFD board is also responsible for approving annual budgets and monitoring the use of funds.  

Membership eligibility and requirements

  • Ability to review and understand financial information 
  • Experience in property management or project development preferred
  • Ability to serve a full term beginning May 5, 2025, and expiring Nov. 30, 2029

How to apply

Visit to apply online. For questions or to request the application in other languages or formats, please contact the City’s Boards and Commissions Coordinator by mail at Vancouver City Hall, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668-1995, by phone at 360-487-8600 (WA Relay 711), or by email at

Media contact: Tim Becker, Strategic Communications Manager, 360-831-3240,