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City statement on proposed initiative petition

January 7, 2025

At their meeting on Jan. 6, the Vancouver City Council heard from staff and the public regarding a citizen petition on a proposed ballot measure to adopt a new section into the Vancouver Municipal Code, Chapter 11.80 Street and Development Standards.

The Clark County Auditor certifies whether the required number of signatories signed the proposed initiative, and the City determines whether the petition is valid under the City Charter and Washington law. An initiative must meet both requirements to be considered for
the ballot.

While the proposed initiative received certification that it contained sufficient valid signatures from registered voters, it is legally invalid as written and outside the scope of local initiative power. If adopted, the proposed initiative would conflict with state law and the City Charter in the following ways:

  1. Interfere with the legislative and administrative authority of the City Council, which is contrary to state law
  2. Impede the implementation of state-wide law, specifically Washington’s Growth Management Act, chapter 36.70A RCW
  3. Violate Section 10.01 of the Vancouver City Charter that initiated ordinances shall not have more than one subject

As a result, the City Council chose not to take further action on the proposed initiative, meaning it will not appear on the ballot. The City understands that there may be legal action to place the initiative on the ballot. If that occurs, the City looks forward to the courts resolving this issue.

The City appreciates the 57 individuals who testified at last night’s public hearing and those who wrote in. The City values and encourages residents to continue participating, providing input, and voicing their concerns and ideas about the projects and overall work the City does on behalf of the public.

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