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Pre-Application Conferences

Often, the first step in a land use application is attending a pre-application conference, which is typically required for all Type II, Type III and applicant-initiated Type IV applications. Pre-application conferences can be done for Type I procedures as well but are voluntary.

Virtual Pre-Application conferences

All pre-application conferences are held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Pre-application reports will be available on the City’s ePlans system the day the pre-application is or would be scheduled to be held.

All interested parties are encouraged contact the case manager listed on the emailed project notice or on the pre-application agenda. To leave a comment or follow up with questions, please contact a planner at or the planner voicemail box at 360-487-7803.

Purpose and process

The pre-application conference review is intended to acquaint City and other agency staff with a sufficient level of detail about the proposed development to enable staff to advise the applicant of applicable review procedures, standards and fees. At the conference, City staff discuss a set of detailed written comments with the applicant in regard to applicable standards and any potential issues that have been identified. Staff from planning review, building and fire plan review, water and sewer engineering, stormwater engineering, transportation engineering, and the parks department will review the application material submitted. When the project is located within a city-recognized neighborhood association, the chair of the association is invited to attend the meeting in order to collect information about the development and share it with the neighborhood and to identify areas of potential concern early in the review process.

Pre-Application waivers

Generally, the Planning Official may waive the pre-application conference only if it is determined that the proposal is relatively simple (e.g. has few, if any, development related issues). Pre-application conferences shall not be waived for infill development, pursuant to Chapter 20.920 VMC.

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