Event Details

Adopt-A-Park Event at LeRoy Haagen
Saturday, October 28, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
LeRoy Haagen Memorial Community Park
13200 NE LeRoy Haagen Memorial Drive, Vancouver, WA 98684, USA
Join the City of Vancouver’s Volunteer Programs staff and volunteers from our Adopt-A-Park program for a morning of beautifying LeRoy Haagen Memorial Community Park’s natural area. We will be removing ivy and other non-native plants.
Training, gloves, tools, water, and snacks will be provided! This opportunity is family-friendly and great for teens – people of all ages and abilities are welcome! Volunteers should dress for the weather and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. We will meet at the entrance to the park near the restrooms and parking lot.
Youth under 18 must bring a signed minor consent form.
Advanced registration is required and space is limited. RSVP here!
(Registration will close two days prior to the event at 2 p.m. If registration is closed and you are still interested in attending, please email cityvolunteer@cityofvancouver.us to let us know you will be a walk-up and you can sign in on-site.)
Contact: Volunteer Programs at cityvolunteer@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-8344