Event Details

Columbia River Walk: Following the tracks
Saturday, August 17, 2024
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Water Resources Education Center
4600 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98661
The high water of spring has given way to low summer flows along the Columbia River. With the seasonal wetland drying out, animal tracks can be found in the exposed muddy shoreline. Join a Water Center educator on an exploration along the water’s edge in search of the animals that call the edge of the cottonwood forest home.
Expect to walk 2 miles on uneven, sandy beaches, muddy wetlands, and along some paved pathways. Program suitable for ages 10 and older.
Registration is required. Sign up today!
If this event becomes full since space is limited and you see that registrations are no longer being accepted, please use the contact email below to add your name to the waitlist.
Contact: Water Center staff at vanwrec@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-7111