Event Details

Native Planting at Behrens Woods
Saturday, December 9, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Behrens Woods
3005 SE Bella Vista Pl, Vancouver, WA 98683
Advance registration is required and space is limited. RSVP today.
Join the City of Vancouver’s Volunteer Programs department and our Naturespaces volunteers for a morning of planting. Naturespaces Vancouver is a pilot program that utilizes ecologically informed practices to restore and enhance publicly managed sites – think your local parks!
Training, gloves, tools, water, and snacks will be provided! This opportunity is family-friendly and great for teens – people of all ages and abilities are welcome! Volunteers should dress for the weather and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Sign up today!
Youth under 18 must bring a signed minor consent form.
(Registration will close two days prior to the event at 2 p.m. If registration is already closed and you still want to register, please email cityvolunteer@cityofvancouver.us to let us know you will be a walk-up and you can sign in on-site.)
Contact: Volunteer Programs at cityvolunteer@cityofvancouver.us or 360-487-8344