CPR Training
Everyone is encouraged to learn and practice the basics of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. Almost anyone can help save a life using the latest CPR techniques, with no formal classroom training or certification required.

Did You Know?
- CPR helps maintain vital blood flow to the heart and brain until advanced care arrives.
- Effective bystander CPR, provided immediately, can double the chance of survival.
- Death from sudden cardiac arrest can be averted if CPR is provided within the first five minutes of an attack.
Hands-Only CPR Kits
Hands-Only CPR is so easy that almost anyone can do it! This CPR method eliminates the need for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation – one of the reasons some people avoid learning or performing CPR.
To help increase the number of people trained in Hands-Only CPR, the VFD provides “Do It Yourself” training kits. Each kit contains an instructional video, two mannequins for practice and answers to common questions.
The kits can be borrowed from the VFD by neighborhood associations, businesses, church groups and families wishing to learn this lifesaving skill.
To check out a Hands-Only CPR Kit, call 360-487-7220 or email pete.adams@cityofvancouver.us
When should I use Hands-Only CPR?
If you see someone over the age of eight (or similar size) suddenly collapse and they are unresponsive, call 911 then push hard and fast on the center of their chest until help arrives.
How can I tell if someone is unresponsive?
Shake on both shoulders while loudly asking “Are you OK?” If they do not respond, they are unresponsive. A person will not be breathing or will be gasping, grunting or making snoring sounds if their heart has stopped. These signs combined with unresponsiveness should prompt you to begin Hands-Only CPR.
How fast do I push?
You want to push at least 100 times per minute. The disco classic “Stayin’ Alive” is approximately 100 beats per minute so push to that rhythm and you’ll be doing it right.
How hard do I push?
You should push their chest down about two inches, and then allow the chest to fully rebound. Don’t take your hands off their chest.
Do I perform mouth-to-mouth?
No. Hands Only CPR does not involve mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
If there is an AED available, should I use it?
Yes! CPR buys the patient time, but defibrillation is usually fixes the problem. If no AED is available, paramedics or police will have one when they arrive.
Can I use Hands-Only CPR on children?
Hands-Only CPR is only recommended for people over the age of eight.
Will Hands-Only CPR break ribs?
Sometimes CPR breaks ribs. However, these fractures are unlikely to do serious harm. Ribs heal. The damage from broken ribs is minor compared to risk of death if CPR is not done.
What if I do it wrong?
Incorrect CPR is better than no CPR.
Can I get in trouble for doing Hands-Only CPR?
Washington state law (RCW 4.24.300) states that anyone who volunteers to render emergency care at the scene of an emergency without expectation of compensation “shall not be liable for civil damages resulting from any act or omission in the rendering of such emergency care…..”
Every state has a similar law so that people will be willing to help someone in need.
Get CPR Trained and Certified
Clark County Fire District 5
First aid and CPR classes for emergency responders, healthcare workers and the general public.
11606 N.E. 66th Cir. Suite 103, Vancouver, WA 98662
564-397-2100 (Main)
American Red Cross of Southwest Washington
CPR, AED and first aid classes for professionals and the public.
American Red Cross of Southwest Washington Region
3114 E. 4th Plain Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98661
American Heart Association
Online and in-person CPR courses for professionals and the public.
Additional Resources
- The “Pocket First Aid and CPR” and “PulsePoint” smart phone apps are now available for the Apple iPhone and the Google Android
- Vídeo instructivo de RCP usando sólo las manos de 2012 de la American Heart Association
- If an AED (automated external defibrillator) is available, have it brought to you. It will walk you through the process. Watch a video to see how simple it is to use.