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PFAS Sampling Results

The City of Vancouver provides information about PFAS sampling results to enable drinking water customers to stay informed. Visit Learn about PFAS for more information about actions the City is taking to keep your water safe and for steps you can take at home.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation and PFAS Maximum Contaminant Level

In April 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced the final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for six PFAS. This establishes legally enforceable levels, called Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), for six PFAS in drinking water. Public water systems must monitor for these PFAS and provide information to community members. Public water systems will have five years (by 2029) to implement solutions to reduce these PFAS if monitoring shows that drinking water levels exceed the MCLs. Beginning 2029, public water systems that have PFAS in drinking water exceeding the established MCLs must take action to reduce levels of PFAS in their drinking water. Federal regulations set by the EPA supersede Washington State Action Levels.

Washington State Board of Health PFAS State Action Levels

In 2021, the Washington State Board of Health adopted State Action Levels for five PFAS that set testing and notification requirements for some water providers, including Vancouver starting in 2023. State Action Levels are set to protect human health and based on the best available science at the time. PFAS chemicals are still being researched and health advice is updated as new science becomes available. State Action Levels are public health goals to protect all people, including sensitive groups and life stages, from potential harmful effects of drinking water with PFAS over a lifetime.

If you have been drinking water over the State Action Level, it doesn’t mean you will get sick or have health problems from this exposure. Learn more at

PFAS Finalized Federal Maximum Contaminant Levels / State Action Levels

Types of PFASEPA
Maximum Contaminant Level (Enforcable, Requires treatment by 2029)
Washington Department of Health
State Action Level (Superseded)
PFOA4 ppt10 ppt
PFOS4 ppt15 ppt
PFNA10 ppt9 ppt
PFHxS10 ppt65 ppt
HFPO-DA (commonly referred to as GenX Chemicals2)10 ppt
Mixtures containing two or more of PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA and PFBSHazard index of 1*PFBS, 345 ppt

11 ppt (part per trillion) is equivalent to a single drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools

2GenX chemicals are not on the Washington State Department of Health’s list of PFAS with State Action Levels

3EPA intends to provide water systems with a web-based form that will automatically calculate the Hazard Index for four types of PFAS together

*The hazard index of 1 is the level at which no known health risk could be anticipated

City of Vancouver PFAS Test Results

Sampling Dates Shown Here: August 2024

Below are the sampling results from the City’s water stations. Vancouver has an open system in which water can be transferred from almost any water station to different areas of the City. We are adjusting our operations and prioritizing use of sources with lower levels of PFAS. However, due to the prevalence of PFAS in local groundwater, water rights limitations and operational restrictions, we are unable to turn off all PFAS sources that exceed MCLs without impacting supply.

Note: ND = non detect; ppt = parts per trillion (1 ppt is equivalent to a single drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools)

Most Recent PFOA Sampling Results: August 2024

Results above MCLs are shown in bold below.

City of Vancouver Water StationPFOA Results (ppt)PFOS Results (ppt)PFBS Results (ppt)PFHxS Results (ppt)PFNA Results (ppt)HFPO-DA Results (ppt)
Water Station
Water Station
Water Station 46.717.74.65.9NDND
Water Station 7ND7.12.44.0NDND
Water Station 88.417.15.83.5NDND
Water Station 96.713.95.63.3NDND
Water Station 1411.921.47.34.7NDND
Water Station 157.818.26.14.3NDND
City staff collecting water samples for quarterly testing