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Sewer Collection – Capital Improvement Projects

The City of Vancouver works to provide a reliable, effective and efficient sewer system for the community. This wastewater collection system includes approximately 785 miles of total sewer lines and 41 pump stations. Overall efforts help protect and enhance the quality of our urban water resources, improve wastewater service and eliminate environmental health problems. The projects listed below are part of the City Sewer Collection program and help provide capital improvements to our infrastructure. Corresponding project maps are shown at the bottom. 

Current Projects – Under Construction

Watch here for updates as design projects are moved to the construction phase.

Southside Interceptor Rehabilitation Phase 4 & 5 (East 5th Street & East 6th Street)

This project encompasses the fourth and fifth phases of an ongoing project to rehabilitate existing large-sized sewer pipes that have been in service for more than 70 years. The project, spanning across the Esther Short and Hudson’s Bay neighborhoods, will prolong the service life expectancy for another 50+ years. Trenchless construction methods will be used for this project to help minimize disruption to the public. Work will occur along East 5th Street and East 6th Street, starting at Grand Boulevard and continuing west to Main Street. You will see equipment and pipes placed along the project route. The piping will be used as a temporary bypass route as the underground pipes are rehabilitated.

Current Projects – Design Phase

GMA Force Main and Pump Station Upgrades

This project is located in the area of NE 39th Street and NE 172nd Avenue. Work will include construction of new pressurized sewer mains along with upgrading local pump stations to improve reliability and provide redundancy. 

Franklin Street Sewer Replacement   

This project includes the installation of new sanitary sewer pipes in Esther Street and West Fourth Plain Boulevard and the replacement of the existing sewer in Franklin Street. The installation of new sewer in Esther Street and Fourth Plain Boulevard, bounded by Franklin Street and Daniels Street, will help eliminate substandard sewer connections to the public sewer. The Franklin Street project, between West 25 and 27th streets, will upgrade the aging sewer lines constructed in 1911.

Pearson Airport Pump Station Upgrade

This project will relocate and upgrade the existing pump station. The new station will operate with better efficiency, reduce maintenance and provide up-to-date monitoring with enhanced technology.

Fourth Plain Sewer Improvements

This project includes installation of new sanitary sewer pipelines in West Fourth Plain Boulevard, between Broadway Street and F Street, to eliminate substandard sewer connections to the public sewer. These sewer improvements border both Shumway and Arnada neighborhoods, with all work taking place within the right-of-way.
