Jefferson/Kauffman Realignment Project
We are improving Vancouver’s transportation system, and the Jefferson/Kauffman Realignment Project aims to improve mobility, capacity and multi-modal connectivity. Additional street improvements will also occur on West 13th Street and Markle Avenue.
This project will build a new intersection at West 13th Street and Jefferson Street/Kauffman Avenue. The realignment will allow a more conventional configuration to better accommodate vehicles, including truck/freight mobility, and is safer for all modes of travel.
When completed, the improved roadway will be a three-lane street following City standards for collector/arterials. Enhancements will be made along West 13th Street and Markle Avenue, too. The project includes stormwater facilities, bike lanes, sidewalks and on-street parking. View the alignment map.
Project details:
- Remove building at 915 W. 13th Street
- Rebuild sidewalks
- Install new bike lanes
- Improve lighting
- Build new ADA curb ramps throughout project, with new markings for crosswalks
- Trees will be removed and almost 50 new trees planted
Located in the western part of downtown Vancouver, West Jefferson Street and West Kauffman Avenue work together as an important access corridor for freight, employment and travel from West Mill Plain Boulevard to the active downtown Vancouver, Crescent Industrial area near the Burlington Northern Railway mainline and evolving Waterfront area.
In addition to improving mobility, capacity and multi-modal connectivity, the Jefferson/Kauffman Realignment Project is also expected to add redundancy and efficiency to the north/south arterial network.
A key feature of this project will be the addition of pedestrian and bicycle crossing facilities at intersections to enhance the multi-modal network in and through this area.
These improvements are identified as priorities in the City’s Transportation System Plan, Vancouver Central City Vision Plan, the Transportation Improvement Program and the Westside Mobility Strategy.
The Jefferson/Kauffman Realignment Project was identified as one of the high priority projects for the City of Vancouver’s Street Funding Strategy efforts, adopted by the City Council in 2015. The City received federal grants through the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC) for $5,040,000, and a state grant through the Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) for $3,000,000. Vancouver Transportation Benefit District and other local matching dollars provide the remainder of the project funding.