NE 18th Street Project – West Segment
Northeast 97th Avenue to Northeast 107th Avenue
The City of Vancouver is in the design and right-of-way acquisition phase of this long-planned project, which will bring urban upgrades, improve travel, and provide a western connection to the Interstate 205 interchange at Northeast 18th Street.
Northeast 18th Street is an important east-west travel corridor that the City has steadily been improving in segments over time. Improvements to this westerly segment will include adding a new section of street between Northeast 100th and NE 105th avenues. Overall improvements for this project will include features such as multimodal facilities, roundabouts, street lights, stormwater facilities, sound walls, sidewalks, and a multi-use pathway.
Right-of-way acquisition work is underway with this process anticipated to be completed by the end of 2023. The design for this project, currently at 90% completed, will be paused as final right-of-way acquisitions are finished. Construction is partially funded, and the City continues to seek grant opportunities to assist with that effort.
Construction Funding
The cost of improving this segment of Northeast 18th Street is currently estimated at about $13.5 million.
Public Outreach and Information
The City’s project team has gathered input from those who live or own property directly adjacent to the north side of the corridor where improvements are planned, as well as residents of nearby neighborhoods – Marrion, Forest Ridge and Burton Ridge. Outreach efforts also extend to agency stakeholders and the general community.
Meeting with Key Property Owners
The City’s 18th Street West design team members met with property owners who live and own property adjacent to the project. Early meetings were designed to inform key property owners about the project and get input prior to the development of key concepts, which were shown at the public open house on June 6. View the May 9, 2019 meeting summary.
Project Open House, Thursday, June 6, 2019
The City hosted an open house at Henrietta Lacks Health and Bioscience High School to share information about the project and provide an opportunity for neighbors and the community at large to speak directly with the project team. Some early concepts were shared for the new street and the multi-use path that will run along the south side. Participants were asked to review project concepts and share their ideas.
View the NE 18th Street West Project Open House materials and summary.
Project Need and Benefits
As residential and commercial growth continues east and west of Interstate 205, Northeast 18th Street is becoming more congested. Without improvement, the street will be unable to accommodate future traffic demands. The goal of the improvements is to provide a safe and efficient multi-modal east/west connection across Vancouver, offer ready access to emergency facilities, and alleviate traffic congestion on nearby streets. These improvements are projected to accommodate growth in the area over the next 20 years.
Project Background
Improvement of this corridor has been a regional priority for many years, beginning in the late 1970s when it was part of unincorporated Clark County. Environmental and planning studies began in 2003. View the overall NE 18th Street Improvement Project webpage, with historic background and reports, as well as information about the completed segments between I-205 and approximately Northeast 138th Avenue.