SE First Street Improvement Project
The Southeast First Street corridor improvement project extends from 162nd Avenue to 192nd Avenue. Project work is being done in two phases.
This project will provide a complete urban street system with sidewalks, bike facilities, stormwater bio-retention, streetlights and sound walls where required. The project enhances safety, increases capacity, improves the road surface and increases connectivity for homeowners, employees and businesses along the corridor.
Using traffic volumes now and projected 20 years into the future, the design showcases a three-lane street, with one lane in each direction and a center turn lane. Near the intersection of 164th Avenue, the design allowed for a widened street with a right-turn lane and dual left-turn lanes. Southeast First Street at 192nd Avenue is currently six lanes and will remain that way under the current design.
177th Avenue to 192nd Avenue
Construction starts May 20, 2024 (second phase of corridor improvements)
Work on this corridor segment will update Southeast First Street to an urban street system. Upgrades include pavement widening, sidewalks, curbs, bike facilities, streetlights, stormwater drainage, and street resurfacing, striping and signage. Project completion is expected during the summer of 2025.
Project elements include:
- Extension of corridor enhancements recently completed to the west.
- The new corridor will be a three-lane street, with one lane of traffic in each direction and a center turn lane in areas to help vehicles turn across the street.
- New elements include safety enhancements, including multimodal travel options using buffered/protected pedestrian and cyclist facilities.
- A new roundabout will be built at Southeast First Street and Southeast 184th Avenue.
- A new traffic signal will be installed at Southeast First Street and Southeast 190th Avenue/Home Depot business complex entrance.
Street Closure: East and westbound traffic on Southeast First Street will be closed throughout the entire project. Access to English Estate Winery and the commercial complex on the south corner of Southeast First Street and Southeast 192nd Avenue will be open. Construction will happen in four stages, with project completion anticipated in summer 2025.
164th Avenue to 177th Avenue
Completed in 2023 (first phase)
Construction is finished on the first phase of a long-awaited project to upgrade and provide urban standards for Southeast First Street, originally a rural two-lane, farm-to-market roadway.
Project Funding
Design and environmental work for this project has received $1.6 million funding in federal grants and about $700,000 in matching City funds. Award of the federal grants was through the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC), under the federal Surface Transportation Program. In addition, RTC awarded the project another $1.9 million to assist with construction. In December 2018, an additional $3 million grant was also awarded to the project by the state Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) to help fund construction of the western segment of the project, between Southeast 164th and 177th avenues.
The City was awarded a $2 million Urban Arterial Program grant by the state Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) to help fund construction of Southeast First Street improvements of the eastern segment of the 1st Street Improvement Project.
Vancouver’s six-year Transportation Improvement Program anticipates utilizing some Street Funding Strategy revenues as leverage or match to and secure additional grants for construction.
Project Background
The Southeast First Street Improvement Project was identified and listed in the City’s annual Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) since the area was annexed to Vancouver. It continues as part of the City’s most recent TIP, adopted by the Vancouver City Council. It also has been identified as a priority improvement in the Section 30 Subarea Plan (2009).
177th Avenue to 192nd Avenue: Second Phase Background
Design plans for the eastern phase of this project were completed as part of overall development agreements of adjacent private property. State and federal funding were allocated for this project, including a TIB grant. The $2 million TIB grant supports the construction of this segment, which began in 2024. Federal funding requires all right-of-way acquisition strictly comply with laws/regulations that provide for uniform and equitable treatment for persons whose property is acquired for public use.
164th Avenue to 177th Avenue: First Phase Background
Construction started in early January 2022 and was completed in 2023. Construction of this first segment was realized with funding from federal grants awarded through the RTC, an earlier state TIB grant, and matching local funds provided by the City’s Street Funding Strategy revenues.
- View general design of project from 162nd Avenue to about 170th Avenue
- View general design of project from 170th Avenue to 177th Avenue
- View design cross section showing mobility improvements planned behind the curb with extra space for sidewalk and bike lane amenities