Transportation Improvement Program
Traffic is an essential part of how we move around Vancouver
Each year the City of Vancouver prepares a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is the City’s detailed transportation improvement work program that shows all future projects listed on a master spreadsheet with a separate detailed project sheets and funding status for each project. Projects listed in the TIP include planning studies and major street, bicycle, pedestrian and traffic signal improvements. In addition, projects that are funded with State and/or Federal grants are also required to be included in the TIP.
Per Washington law, the TIP document is updated annually, with final City Council approval required before July 1 of each year. Each annual update includes a public outreach process. For example, presentations are typically made to the Transportation and Mobility Commission and the City Bike and Pedestrian Stakeholder’s Group each spring. Presentations are also made to the City Planning Commission, Vancouver Transportation Benefit District Board of Directors, and ultimately, the City Council in both workshop and public hearing settings, prior to the TIP adoption.
Project suggestions or questions for a future annual TIP update can also be submitted here for consideration. Please provide details and location, including nearest cross street, for any new project suggestions.
Small, site-specific projects, such as speed cushions and traffic calming devices, are not included in the TIP and will be directed to the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program for assistance.