Urban Forestry Commission

The Urban Forestry Commission was established to advise the Mayor and City Council on local and regional tree-related issues. The commission assists the city to develop good management practices to conserve the city’s trees and forests, educate community members on the importance of urban trees and organize tree plantings.
The Vancouver Urban Forestry Commission was created by City Ordinance 12.02 in 1987 for the purpose of:
“managing, and increasing the city’s urban forest, thereby protecting a vital environmental, social and economic resource that benefits all residents and visitors, and for the purpose of assisting property owners and public agencies in improving and maintaining the urban forest in a manner consistent with adopted city policies.”
The seven-member commission is appointed by and reports to the City Council. Directed by council, the commission focuses on the following activities:
- Considering changes to urban forestry policy and regulation as they are presented by City staff
- Administering the Heritage Tree Program (as defined in VMC 20.77)
- Updating the Urban Forestry Work Plan
- Coordinating community outreach activities for urban forestry:
- Support annual community events including Arbor Day and Old Apple Tree Festival
- Assist Vancouver neighborhoods through the Neighborhood Liaison program to identify urban forestry needs, especially in Neighborhood Action Plans and funding opportunities.
- Promote public awareness of Neighborhood Tree Stewards Program, recognition ceremonies, Urban Forestry awards and planting programs for the entire community.
Get more information about the Urban Forestry Commission, including governing documents, rules and members.
The Urban Forestry Commission meetings are open to the public and are held every third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Vancouver City Hall, 415 W. 6th Street. Call 360-487-8328 for additional information and confirmation.
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), the commission meeting will be open to in-person attendance. Options for viewing or participating in the meeting remotely will also be accommodated. Email urbanforestry@cityofvancouver.us for meeting access information.