Water Quality Reports

The City of Vancouver Water Utility has been publishing an annual Water Quality Report since the 1990s. Protecting public health and providing our customers a safe water supply is our top priority. Vancouver tests its drinking water in accordance with all state and federal requirements.
As part of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires all water utilities to provide their customers with an annual water quality report. The City of Vancouver Utility’s 2023 Water Quality Report is being delivered electronically. Information announcing availability of the 2023 report and providing a direct link to where you can read it on this Annual Water Quality Report page will go out with all Utility bills in May and June, in compliance with the annual federal July 1 requirement.
We hope you will take a moment to read these reports and learn more about Vancouver’s clean, high-quality drinking water.
For questions about the quality of your drinking water or about this report, call 360-487-8276 or email the Water Quality Team. If you would prefer to get a printed copy of the Water Quality Report instead, please call us at 360-487-8276 and provide your name and mailing address.