Volunteer Programs
Opportunities for all community members
Lend a helping hand to protect our natural resources. Advance registration is required for all events.

Dedicated volunteers help keep the Water Center’s abundant gardens and sandy beaches looking clean and beautiful throughout the year. Many more projects need volunteers – let us know if you are interested!
Storm Drain Medallion Program
Install storm drain markers along the middle section of the Burnt Bridge Creek Watershed to help reduce water pollution in our most urban waterway. Did you know what flows down the storm drain could also pollute our streams, rivers and wetlands? Because many stormwater drains lead to streams and groundwater, we encourage marking drains with medallions that provide an important message: Only Rain Down the Drain.


Pesticides and garden chemicals, soap from car washing, pet waste and automotive fluids can wash off driveways, streets and lawns into storm drains which then flow into streams and other water bodies. Volunteer groups can work with the City to install medallions near storm drains in an effort to raise awareness about the link between stormwater drainage and water quality.
We will provide medallions, supplies and training to neighborhoods, education groups or other volunteers. Learn more about this program by reviewing the information below.
This project is suitable for groups of two to four people. Medallion installation is open to volunteers from June 1 to Oct. 15, as installation requires warm temperatures and dry weather.
Application Process
Follow these simple steps to organize your work party and complete your project.
- Coordinate your group – This project is suitable for groups of two to four people. Project tasks are geared towards adults and youth ages 10 and older. All minors need adult supervision for the duration of the project.
- Complete online volunteer application – Please have the lead volunteer fill out the online application.
- Schedule in-person orientation – Water Center staff will contact you within one week of application. The project date and a 30-minute in-person gear orientation and training time will be scheduled.
- Pick up your medallion kit and learn how to use ArcGIS – The City uses ArcGIS, an online mapping tool, to track every medallion installed. Staff will orient you to the app, show you the gear and give a safety orientation. Bring your smartphone to orientation.
- Return kit to the Water Center – Return the kit with all the tools and remaining materials.
Equipment Checklist
This simple kit has everything you need to host a work party – just supply the volunteers.
- Tool bag
- Traffic safety vests
- Safety flags and cones
- Safety goggles
- Latex gloves
- Storm drain medallions
- Medallion rivets
- Wire brush, whisk broom, dustpan
- Polyurethane adhesive
- Drill with concrete bits
- Trash bags
- Handy-wipe
Safety Guidelines
Make sure all of your volunteers are informed on all safety protocols.
- Adult supervision is required when working with youth under the age of 18.
- Only storm drains in neighborhood roads with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour are located on your GIS online mapping tool.
- Put on safety vests before beginning any work in the road.
- Always face oncoming traffic. Be aware of traffic flow at all times.
- Set up safety cones around drain. There should always be at least one person watching for traffic at all times.
- The kit includes goggles and gloves. Be sure to use both when operating the drill.
- Only team members 18 years of age or older should use the drill.
- Only mark drains that are free from obstructions or hazards. Make a note of any drain that has an obstruction.
Clark County Storm Drain Marking Program
Regional partners across our community are committed to helping remind residents to protect water and that only rain should go down the drain. Check out Clark County’s program webpage, which includes a video to help you learn how to mark storm drains.