Water Utilities
Clean, healthy waterways
We all play a part in keeping our natural and built water systems safe and functioning properly. Learn more about our water utilities and what you can do to help.

The City of Vancouver operates and maintains three water utilities that keep our drinking water flowing, treats and cleans our used water (wastewater) before it goes to the Columbia River and works to protect local waterways from pollution through stormwater management programs.

Drinking Water
Where does your water come from? Aquifers, 100 percent!
The City of Vancouver gets all of the water supplied throughout our service area from wells tapping three underground aquifers – Orchards, Troutdale and the Sand-and-Gravel aquifers. The City of Vancouver is the third largest municipal provider of drinking water in the state of Washington.
An aquifer is an underground layer of unconsolidated rock or sand that is saturated with usable amounts of water. Aquifers, which store and carry water, form significant natural water supplies. Recharge areas are important to a healthy aquifer. In a recharge area, water is able to seep into the earth and down to the aquifer, helping recharge these vital natural resources.
Where does your wastewater go?

The City of Vancouver operates two wastewater treatment plants, which process and clean 20 million gallons of waste every day. Help care for the system to prevent costly repairs. Remember only the 3 P’s down the toilet (pee, poop, toilet paper). Put wipes, grease and hygiene products in the garbage. Try to compost your food waste when possible.

Only rain down the drain!
Only rain down the drain! Did you know that everything flowing down the storm drain goes directly to our streams, rivers, and wetlands? Residents and business can take action to keep harmful materials out of the environment and our water sources. Learn about how the City manages stormwater and what you can do to help ensure clean water.