Help design Vancouver’s next flag
Vancouver wants your help creating a new city flag. The new flag should represent what makes Vancouver special—our values, diversity, and hopes for the future. Residents are invited to participate and create a flag that Vancouverites can be proud of for years to come.
Entries are being accepted by midnight on June 14 (Flag Day).
- Design competition opens – March 24
- Entry portal opens – April
- Entries are due by or on June 14
- Online community input – TBD
- Design Review Committee deliberates – Summer/Fall
- Present decision to City Council for adoption – Fall
*Timeline is subject to change
- All ages are eligible to enter. Submissions by those under 18 will be accepted when submitted by a parent or legal guardian.
- City employees or members of their immediate family or households are not eligible to enter, and Vancouver Flag Design Review Committee members are not eligible to submit designs.
Submission Rules
- Contact information for the individual who designed the flag (name, address, phone number, and email).
- If a designer is under 18, their parent or legal guardian’s contact information must be submitted.
- Each participant’s submission becomes a public record, which may be disclosed under the Washington Public Records Act.
- Each entry must follow the instructions outlined in the design brief.
- A written description (500 words or less) explaining the design and color choices in the flag, what it symbolizes, and how it represents Vancouver.
- Once submitted, each design submission will be considered anonymously. Do not put your name or identifying information on the image or the designer’s statement. A number will be assigned to each entry. Participants will not receive feedback about their submissions from the Committee.
- Participants may submit one (1) design.
- Designs should be provided as digital files. Acceptable formats include .ai, .svg, .eps, and PDF. They should be no smaller than 600 x 1000 pixels (3:5 ratio). Digital designs should be rectangular and submitted in full-color, high-resolution landscape format. Drawings may be submitted for consideration if they are submitted as a PDF. If a hand-drawn flag is selected, the City will recreate the winning flag so it can be reproduced.
- Each participant represents that their submission is an original work of authorship that was not generated by AI and does not infringe on any third-party intellectual property right. If the City selects the Participant’s submission, the Participant must agree to indemnify the City for any third-party intellectual property claims related to the Participant’s submission.
- Participants understand that any plagiarized works will be disqualified.
Flag Background
Vancouver’s first flag was adopted by the Vancouver City Council in 1993. It was designed internally with limited public engagement and has remained the City flag for 30+ years. As described in the 1993 Staff Report, the current flag design represents Vancouver’s “emergence as a “world-class city and its strength and natural beauty.” The City is seeking to create a flag that uses flag design best practices and is a recognizable symbol of Vancouver.
Design Brief
According to Good Flag, Bad Flag: How to Design a Great Flag,” published by the North American Vexillological Association, a flag should be created following basic design principles. The Design Review Committee’s decision will be informed by the criteria outlined in this publication and additional design concepts. The requirements are as follows:
- Have enduring appeal that reflects the City, community values, diversity, and future aspirations.
- Use two or three basic colors that follow WCAG contrast standards for accessibility from the City’s primary color palette.
- Simple design: no lettering, numbers, seals or logos.
- Be distinctive or related. The design should represent a cohesive theme with related components that connect with the City. Avoid duplicating other flags, but you may use similarities to show connections.
- The design should be easily understood when flown outside on a flagpole or displayed indoors beside the state and United States flags.
- Consider different uses. The flag will typically be 3 ft. x 5 ft. but may be reproduced in other sizes depending on its use on other products such as stickers, hats, pins, etc.
Designs will be disqualified if they:
- Are generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Contain religious symbols, depictions of violence, nudity, profanity, or political images or themes.
- Interpreted as discriminatory, hateful or defamatory.
- Reference alcohol, drugs, or illegal activities.
- Submitted after the deadline.
Where to Submit
Entries may be submitted beginning in April. Entries must be submitted by June 14 at midnight.
Design Review Committee Process
A Design Review Committee has been assembled to review all eligible submissions. The DRC will select the 10 highest-scoring submissions.
An online poll will invite Vancouver residents to share their preferred designs. The DRC will use that information to inform the final design selection and one runner-up. The recommended design will be submitted to the City Council for final adoption. The committee reserves the right not to recommend a proposed flag if a suitable design is not submitted.
- Credit for design in City communications channels
- Flag raising ceremony at a date to be determined
- Key to the City
- City flag
- Monetary prize (check back)