Spring Cleanup Coupons

Free disposal
As the spring and summer growing seasons
get closer, help manage excess yard debris by
taking advantage of your free cleanup coupons.
A set of coupons for free spring cleanup of yard debris and tires is being provided to each single-family residential customer within the City of Vancouver with an active Waste Connections account. Coupons are valid for three months, from April 1 through June 30.
Keep your eye out for coupons arriving in the mail. Customers who get their Waste Connections bill by email will receive their coupons in the form of a postcard, mailed directly to them from the City of Vancouver in early April. Those who receive paper bills in the mail from Waste Connections will find their coupons inserted with their April garbage/recycling bill.
Each set includes two coupons for free drop-off of up to 4 cubic yards of yard debris, and one coupon for free disposal of up to four passenger tires. To redeem, Vancouver community members must take their yard debris coupons to any of the participating vendors listed on the coupon. Dirt, rocks and concrete are not accepted. Tire coupons can only be redeemed at the three county transfer stations. Check coupons for participating locations and consider calling before you drive. Here’s a tip: Before heading to a local transfer station, check cameras to get a real-time idea of possible lines. When transporting material, cover and secure your load.
Coupon requirements and details
The Spring Cleanup Coupons are for City of Vancouver community members only, and coupons are limited to one set per customer only. Copied or duplicated coupons will not be accepted.
Please allow sufficient mailing time for your coupons to arrive. If you have not received your coupons by April 12, you may email solidwaste@cityofvancouver.us or call 360-487-7160. Provide your name, phone number and service site address, and staff will follow-up with you. If you have your Waste Connections account number, please include that, too.

Each Yard Debris Coupon is good for 4 cubic yards (up to $80 value) of yard debris disposal only during one visit to a participating site. The Tire Disposal Coupon is good for disposal of up to 4 passenger vehicle tires (up to $22 value) during one visit to a participating site.
Please remember that you are responsible for the coupons received. Store your coupons in a safe place until you are ready to use them.
This program is sponsored by Vancouver Public Works’ Solid Waste Services.
Explore disposal alternatives and composting options
The Spring Cleanup Coupon program helps further Vancouver’s climate goals by managing current environmental impacts and supports Washington laws to divert organic material from landfills. There are many alternatives for disposing of yard debris. Check out free composting workshops or programs through Waste Connections’ optional organics services for Vancouver residents. Learn proper pruning techniques for your trees and vegetation.
- Backyard Composting: Join Clark County’s Composter Recycler Program workshops.
- Curbside Organics: Subscribe to Organics service to have yard debris and food scraps collected at the curb.
- Organics 101 Classes: Attend a free RecycleU educational series.
- Self-haul Yard & Garden Waste: Take leaves, grass and trimmings from spring pruning to several local drop-off sites.